AR, VR, and other realities: what's the difference.

04 May 2022, 16:43
🌏AR, VR, and other realities: what's the difference? You may have already noticed that AsyAgro is now heading towards the Metaverse, virtual, augmented, and mixed realities. Let’s take a closer look at them together: 📌VR It is fully immersive, which tricks senses into thinking you’re in a different world apart from the real world. Using a head-mounted display or headset, you’ll experience a computer-generated world of imagery and sounds in which you can manipulate objects and move around. 📌AR AR overlays digital information on real-world elements.It keeps the real world central but enhances it with other digital details, layering new strata of perception, and supplementing your reality or environment. 📌MR MR brings together real world and digital elements. You interact with both physical and virtual items and environments, using next-gen sensing and imaging techs. What do you think about these technologies? Are they prospective? Share your opinion in the comments below 👇👇👇